Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Reception - pancake making

Pupils in Reception made pancakes today for Shrove Tuesday. I would like to add my lemon and sugar pancake from Simba was delicious. Well done and thank you everyone!

Monday, 27 February 2017

Quiz night - Saturday 25th February

Well done to the PTA and Mr Butler for organising a fantatic quiz night on Saturday. Congratulations also to the winning team who amassed an excellent score to win the competition.

Friday, 24 February 2017

Year 6 visit Natural History Museum

Year 6 ventured into London today to visit the Natural History Museum. As you can see everyone enjoyed the experience, especially Mr Austin and the dinosaurs! The boys even enjoyed reading on the train!

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Key Stage 1 gymnastics competition - Wednesday 22nd February

Congratulations to all our Key Stage 1 superstars who participated in the competition at Eversley Primary School today. They achieved 1st place with the hard work and amazing talent.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Survival day in year 5. Campfires!

Year 4 Roman Shield making - Tuesday 21st February

Year 4 made Roman shields as part of their topic today. The children looked at designs and then worked collaboratively to design and construct the shields.

Year 3 trip to Sealife Centre - Tuesday 21st February

Year 3 ventured into London today to discover about creatures from the deep. They entered the Sealife acquarium at 10.30....let's hope they all come out alive after seeing the sharks.

Year 5 survival day. Building shelters

Friday, 10 February 2017

Year 4 - dream catchers

Year 4 made dream catechers this week as part of their topic. The colour and detail in these creations was amazing. I am trying to guess the dreams they would catch!