Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Shoebox appeal - 2016

Stuart Elmes came in to school on Tuesday 20th December to show the children the images of the Romanian children receiving their shoeboxes. The images were touching as was the Chrsitmas song sung by the Romanian pupils. One girl wrote a beautiful letter thanking everyone for their genrosity.

Year 6 - DT projects

Year 6 designed cam toys as part of the curriculum. They researched from other pupils in the school the designs they would like and then created the toys. They evaluated their designs in the form of a project. The results are truly outstanding!

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Christmas Dinner - Wednesday 14th December

A fabulous Christmas dinner was had by all today. Thank you to the kitchen staff for a wonderful spread; the PTA for buying the crackers, laying the tables and serving; the staff for serving and the children for behaving superbly and singing brilliantly.  Enjoy the photos!

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Reception - Nativity

What an amazing performance from all of our Reception superstars yesterday. Whoopsy daisy Angel was fantastic! Thank you to parents/carers, staff and most importantly the pupils for a memorable production

Friday, 9 December 2016

Key Stage 1 Nativity

The children sang, danced and spoke superbly yesterday in the key Stage 1 Nativity - Superstar. Congratulations to everyone involved and a huge tham you to the staff, parents and most importantly the pupils for a memorable morning and afternoon.