Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Thank you

A huge thank you to everyone who donated a bag for the PTA 'bag2school' collection. We had so many donated over the last week, the mountain we sent was enormous.

Friday, 22 April 2016

Year 3 - Egyptian mask making

Nicola Burrell came into  school on Tuesday and helped the Year 3 pupils make fantastic Egyptian masks/headdresses. The children used cardboard, scissors and glue guns and from the outcomes you can see that the results are fantastic. The creations will be on display in the classrooms and the hall.

Birth of chicks in Nursery

We had new arrivals in school yesterday. In Nursery 8 chicks were born. You can see from the photos the joy these new additions have brought to the children. They will be with us for a week. Hopefully more photos will follow next week.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Invasion of pirates

Pirates invaded the Reception classes today. The children came dressed in their best pirate get up and sailed the good ship Kingswood. A fantastic day was had by all and many thanks to all the parents/carers for ensuring their children looked amazing!

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Year 2 - fun at the beach

The sun is shining, smiles are spread across faces and a good time is being had by all at the beach today. Year 2 are thoroughly enjoying their trip to the seaside as you can see. Ice creams are soon to devoured!

Monday, 18 April 2016


The visit to Legoland is going well and everyone is having a great time. We will endeavour to get more photos on the website either today or in the future.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Year 1 - Castle Building

Lords, ladies and knights were seen on the playground this afternoon as Vancouver class and Barcelona class built forts as part of their topic. Turrets and drawbridges were erected before a mock battle was held with warriors from both sides trying to capture enemy territory. The enjoyment on all the children's faces was a joy to see and their engagement in the activity was fantastic.

Monday, 11 April 2016

Trim trail and tyres in action

The children in Key Stage 1 enjoyed the use of the trim trail and tyres today. Lots of fun and excitement was had by all!